Comprehensive API services by

for VPN, geo IP data, DNS, whois, and more.


Our APIs provide secure browsing, precise location insights, and reliable domain analysis. Enhance security with Whois Info and TOR Checker.

VPN Resolver API

Ensure secure and anonymous browsing by resolving VPN connections.

Geo IP Data API

Obtain precise geographical location insights from IP addresses.

DNS Checker API

Access detailed domain registration data and ownership information.

Whois Info API

Create instant and customizable QR codes for various applications.

TOR Checker API

Identify and verify TOR network usage for enhanced security.

YouTube Video Details API

Retrieve comprehensive information about YouTube videos.

Access these all features via our API and integrate it with your app easily.


List of Services in API we provide for your app, We have more API's to come so stay tuned.

Single Port Scanner

Scans a single port of given host.


Pings a host 4 times and shows the result.

IP to Host

Gets host of given IP address.

Advanced DNS Checker

Performs an advanced check on the specific URL.

Host to IP

Gets the IP address of a given host.

IP 2 Domains

Gets the domains associated with a given IP.

Whois Checker

Checks the WHOIS information for a given domain.

Screenshot Tool

Takes a screenshot of the given URL.


Gets geographical information for a given IP.

Website Up or Down Checker

Checks if a website is up or down.

Get Website Headers

Retrieves the HTTP headers of a given website.

Link Backup

Creates a backup of the given URL.

URL Shortener

Shortens the given URL.

IP Validator

Validates the given IP address.

TOR Checker

Checks if the given IP is a TOR exit node.

Youtube Video Details

Gets details of a given YouTube video.

Weather Checker

Gets the current weather for a given location.

Text Parser

Parses the given text and extracts useful information.

License Key Generator

Generates a license key for your software.

GIF Finder

Finds a GIF based on the given search term.

Proxy Detector

Detects if the given IP is a proxy.