Refund Policy

Read our refund policy.

By using our API services, you agree to the following refund policy.

No Refunds

Once a payment is made, we do not provide refunds under any circumstances. By completing a purchase, you acknowledge and agree to this policy.

Final Sale

All transactions are final. We encourage you to thoroughly review your order before making a payment. Any disputes or issues regarding the service provided should be directed to our support team, but will not result in a refund.

Service Availability

We strive to provide continuous availability of our API services, but we do not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free operation. Maintenance, updates, or other factors may occasionally disrupt service. We are not liable for any interruptions or downtime and such issues do not qualify for a refund.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this refund policy, please contact us through our support channels. Your use of our APIs signifies your agreement to this refund policy.